A comprehensive application to manage the entire meat value chain

SAP Meat and Fish Management by msg is an SAP solution extension for the protein segment that provides a comprehensive application to manage the entire meat value chain, including business processes for cattle management, cattle acquisition, slaughter, disassembly, further processing, planning and control.


Precisão de planejamento e monitoramento

Planning and monitoring accuracy

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Meat process management

Operações mais simples por meio de aquisições aprimoradas

Simpler operations through enhanced acquisitions

Provides a new level of connectivity between business users. Optimize purchases with an integrated planning strategy. Monitor current and future requirements based on sales, operational planning, or customer demand.

Reduce revenue loss due to lack of inventory. Increase data accuracy in planning, inventory, and customer demand. Get a clear view of detailed targeting costs to make timely and efficient decisions.

Ensure reliable flow of cattle and meat, deal with complex livestock pricing schemes, reduce time and avoid errors, operate with animal classification data, and control the origin.


Simplifique os processos com um ponto de acesso

Simplify processes with an access point

Acelere a tomada de decisões com informações em tempo real

Accelerate decision-making with real-time information

Menor risco de conformidade com rastreamento proativo

Lower risk of proactive tracking compliance

Get real-time centralized data insights available through a single access point.

Simplify your organization's storage, processing, and flow of information and insights.

Create traceability and patterns in every aspect of your supply chain to ensure compliance.


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Planning and monitoring accuracy

Provides a new level of connectivity between business users. Optimize purchases with an integrated planning strategy. Monitor current and future requirements based on sales, operational planning, or customer demand.

brasil icon meat management red

Meat process management

Reduce revenue loss due to lack of inventory. Increase data accuracy in planning, inventory, and customer demand. Get a clear view of detailed targeting costs to make timely and efficient decisions.

meat and fish plan

Simpler operations through enhanced acquisitions

Ensure reliable flow of cattle and meat, deal with complex livestock pricing schemes, reduce time and avoid errors, operate with animal classification data, and control the origin.


sap meat and fish centralized

Simplify processes with an access point

Get real-time centralized data insights, available through a single access point.

sap meat and fish realtime

Accelerate decision-making with real-time information

Simplify your organization's storage, processing, and flow of information and insights.

meat and fish compliance

Lower risk of proactive tracking compliance

Create traceability and patterns in every aspect of your supply chain to ensure compliance.

Need more information?

Contact us and we'll work with you to help you understand all your options and select the solutions that best meet your needs so that your business works the way you want.

© 2025 msg global solutions ag